


If you already have an antivirus software installed in addition to HerdProtect, you can remove files directly without additional downloads. If you click on each result, you can see its exact location and a list of options to help you get rid of it. It does, however, provide detailed results for everything that has been infected so you can choose whether or not to delete them yourself.


Keep in mind that this tool does not remove the viruses and contaminated items. That way you'll know that every last folder has been checked. You don't even have to select specific locations for the application to search because the only option is to analyze the entire computer. In fact, there's only one button, which activates the scan, and once you've clicked on it, all you have to do is wait for the scan to finish. herdProtect is a great solution, since it performs an intensive search with over 60 tools designed to actively fight malware. Otherwise you are going to give yourself an ulcer.When your antivirus fails to protect your computer from every harmful program or file and you start having serious problems with files or processes, the best option is to do a complete scan with a good tool. your system is running slowly/strangely, etc. Why would you even consider running this scan in the first place, really there has to be a reason, e.g. Then you have to have a reasonable understanding of what is on your system, what it does, etc. I hate these type of multi-scanner passes, AVs can have FPs multiple scanners obviously increases the potential FP count. exe files but most are considered (Undefined). This is where this is a bloody mess, Virut and Sality are file infecters and you had this king of infection there would be masses of infected. VIPRE Antivirus as Threat.4726519 (Undefined) Reason Heuristics as PUP.Dealply (M) (Adware) Microsoft Security Essentials as Threat.Undefined (Undefined) F-Prot as W32/Virut.AI!Generic (Undefined) Avira AntiVirus as W32/Sality.AT (Undefined) Most are either Inconclusive or Ignore detections (false positive) or Ignore detections (false positive).ġ Adware - Reason Heuristics as (Adware) - now you have to determine why that PUP is on your system by design, e.g. If you actually read this log there is little I would be overly concerned with.
