
Diablo 2 resurrected guide reddit
Diablo 2 resurrected guide reddit

diablo 2 resurrected guide reddit

  • Ctrl click items into stash instead of drag & drop.
  • Enable loot drop names to be up all the time instead of holding Alt.
  • Hold shift to compare items to equipped (no recommendations, just shows items side by side).
  • Playable on Xbox, PS, Switch with cross-progression.
  • (Uber Diablo spawned with 1 soj, Bnet is ~75-120)
  • “Endgame” Events Unlocked for Single Player.
  • diablo 2 resurrected guide reddit

    Ladder-Only Runewords + Cube Recipes Unlocked for Single Player + Non-ladder.Ladder-Only Unique Items Unlocked for Non-ladder (Single Player gets Anni/Torch).(20 character limit hopefully won’t be max on launch) (do limitless pindle-runs! :exploding_head:)

    diablo 2 resurrected guide reddit

  • Ability to link items in the chat window to show other players.
  • Gamble Refresh Button + Item no longer disappears when buying multiple of the same type.
  • Stash size increased to 10x10 + Added 3 more Shared Tabs.
  • Advanced Stats Screen (Shows total FCR, LL, Magic Find ext).
  • (PS, breakpoints and the finer points of the math behind the game do not matter to the average player, generally speaking) Exclude the non relevant stuff, and include any links for beginners who may never have played diablo 2 before. Rather than copy and paste all the information, I am just goin to link the resources I used for decades. I hope anyone who find there way here finds this thread usefull. I write this guide as a permanent WIP that will probably get many edits over the coming weeks/years. Let me start by saying I have been a life long fan of the franchise and have spent probably around twenty thousand hours playing this game. Last updated at 14:00:17 UTC Weekly Help Desk RAGE Loot Thread Trade Thread

    Diablo 2 resurrected guide reddit